Mild Psychosis

The concept of Mild Psychosis was derived from the overwhelming feeling of being alone with your thoughts. The feeling of screaming but no one can hear you; the point of experiencing your worst fears in an otherwise safe environment.

The fears that I honed in on for this collection are irrational ones- things that we have been conditioned to be afraid of but have no reason to be. Clowns, for example, are meant for childhood entertainment, but as adults, we are terrified of them. Insane asylums- institutions meant to help the sick- are another source of terror.

For garment inspiration, I sourced images of abandoned asylums and adapted the decomposing medical chairs into wrapped garments with deconstructed elements. I looked at old clown costumes and reimagined the balloon pant and polka dot ensemble.

The accessories I designed for this collection included the red pom pom inspired by the clown costume, the devils impossible trident, and the devils tail. These subtle hints are important to the overall success of the collection and add a beautiful detail to the garments.


Senior Collection


Technical Flats